Apply “Margin Ratio” to impose haircut on margin client’s portfolio is a risk control measure. Some brokerage firm would like to have a flexibility to specify a group of client with a less favorable ratio in compare with normal clients. This means that is true in other way, the brokerage firm can offer a better rate to other group of clients.
Add SB-67 will be able for user to provide such flexibility on
margin client management. It can be details enough to specified a special ratio for a specified
針對孖展客存放之股票, 套用”Margin Ratio”來計算可抵押之金額, 是風險管理的方法. 對於特殊類別的客戶, 證券公司可能收緊借貸比率,
也就是說, 同類股票, 部份類別的客戶, 可能獲得更低的信貸, 另一方面卻享有更佳的信貸. 要有這種要求的證券公司, 可以在POP系統中加入此功能 SB-67