FM2  BMS (Bonds Product Management System)


Bonds Management System is a software program system for use by users such as banks.


When there are clients who give instructions to bank for buy or sells of bonds product, the dealer of the bank will forward these instructions to the Bonds Issuer when the execution price will be fixed and quantity for the transaction will be confirmed. Dealer will put this information on a Deal Sheet, while the Account Officer will have appropriate Order slip for the details. The client may also get a copy of document as a temporarily supporting document. All clients with transactions on the date will get official document issued from this BMS as Trade Confirmation. Before the system issue trade confirmation, there are internal processes to ensure the accuracy of the data entry. Maker & Checker concept is employed to control these requirements.


BMS 債券業務管理系統, 是專為從事買賣債券/基金之經紀業務而設計的系統, 系統除了處理一般買賣管理, 更可以用信託人形式向不同債券/基金公司代客買賣, 並且以信託人形式管理存有之基金. 系統同時為各個投資顧問之推廣表現,,以引入業務之金額顯示在報表上