(TE80) TradeEasy System


TE80 is not a product for financial business. In fact, this system is for general business especially suitable for service type business. The system keeps customer information, vendor information, and commodities information and these information can be used for preparing Correspondence, Price List, Sales Contract, Invoice and Purchase Orders. The advantage is that a document of one type can be copied to the others and no duplicate typing is required. It is extremely useful for project proposal when many revisions are required. Historical record allows user to CUSTOMER RELATION MANAGEMENT (CRM), with sales journal, sales analysis by customer or by commodities. Most important, this system is very low in cost thanks to its mass distributions.


TE80 TradEasy系統, 又名大易市業務管理系統, 內置客戶資料, 產品資料及供應商資料, 而這些資料可以用作編製文件,報價,銷售合約,銷貨發票及購貨單等, 對於服務性行業, 或工程報價, 更為有用, 因為這系統之文件, 可以交換複製, 不用重覆以人手輸入, 適合經常調整內容的文件. 文件之記錄, 更可用作業務分析, 透過銷售日記, 銷售分析-以客分類, 及銷售分析-以商品分類, 令用戶更加了解客戶的要求.