(SB-44) 2ND Rebate Control


This module is for broker firm to handle rebate management for either Fund House    (CLIENT REBATE) or Non-registered A/e.  


To use the system as CLIENT REBATE: -    


Original A/e who handle a specific Fund will need a new A/e Code.               

E.g. Original code is C1 New code for C1 is C188, 88 is for FUND A.

When FUND A input an order with comm. 5%, RUNNER REBATE Rate 0.35, within which 0.25% is 2ND REBATE for FUND/CLIENT.

Then a trade of $100,000 will have commission $500, RUNNER GROSS REBATE is $350, 2ND REBATE TO FUND/CLIENT is $250, thus net RUNNER REBATE is $100.  The rest will be for CO.


     Note: Since SB does not have an A/e account for the FUND manager, user need to print AE REBATE REPORT FOR C188 to show rebate for FUND A:


Turnover Comm. 1st rebate 2nd rebate

100,000   500   100        250



To use the system for Non-registered A/e 


E.g. An A/e has not passed examination, and his client a/c can use an existing A/e with qualification to handle his client's account. The 2nd rebate as shown in above report can be used for this purpose.                                

I.e.: The 1st rebate will be for the qualified A/e, and the 2nd rebate will be the portion for the new A/e. When the New A/e has passed the exam. A new A/e code will be for him.  The 2nd A/e code will no longer be used.