(SB-41) Penalty Interest for Margin A/c


Interest calculation for Margin Client is a standard function for POP system. When the market become more active, some client do not obey the settlement rule and delay payment of balance due particularly the CALL FOR DEPOSIT amount, or some company uses the EXCEED LOAN LIMIT AMOUNT. Therefore, penalty interest rate become an effective measure to urge these type of client for early settlement.

POP system has this add-on option to enhance your existing system to impose penalty interest for this exceed amount. E.g. A client has balance due of HK$100,000 while $30,000 of this amount is CALL FOR DEPOSIT. The system will use normal interest rate to calculate the HK$100,000 and use ADDITIONAL penalty interest rate for the amount of HK$30,000. You can review the interest break down from the interest report.


在大眾系統內,利息計算本身是標準項目。隨著市場活躍,部份孖展客拖欠補倉款項情況,層出不窮,斬倉並非解決辦法,反而是以懲罰性利息更為有效。POP系統可以加入罰息功能,將客戶應繳如補倉按金(CALL FOR DEPOSIT),或超額借貸部份(OVER LOAN LIMIT)加以懲罰利息,拖欠愈久,罰款愈多,令有意延誤補倉付款的客戶,準時支付。罰款祗會在超額部份進行,例如客戶結欠為十萬元而其中三萬為超額借款,本系統可以將其中十萬元以一般利息收取利息,另外之三萬元以附加特殊利率收取罰息。

