POP SYSTEM produces numbers of reports for different purposes. It is a tedious job to print all types of report one by one.
This module can run out all reports according to a USER DEFINED script file.
report will be printed
with a single keystroke. User can even specify which printer
to print for a specific report. (Plug-in
Module for SB-1)
BPC (Batch Print Control) 是列印工作以整批方式處理的系統. 處理方式可以先以檔案備妥,然後在完成輸入工作後,一口氣將所有報表列印, 而且列印的選擇亦可預先設定, 使用此系統, 使用者不必再等侯印完一份報表,才按鍵選印另一報表,大大增加工作效率.(SB-1附件)