(SB-10)SBF management system for Finance Company
Margin Financing Service becomes a new type of RA (restricted activity) and this system is
for company who engage in finance services for clients who trade HK stocks. If
there is a Finance Company who provide credit
facilities for all margin clients, the related broker firm
will not be required to monitor the potential risk of over-due receivable
which my affect the company‘s asset making the job on filling the Financial Recourse
Report much easier. To save data entry effort , transactions done at broker side can be transferred to this SBF system. Therefore, the finance company can read all client‘s transactions almost any time.
This system can be used for position limit control and CALL MARGIN control as
well as stock position status.
因為財務公司客戶的孖展客買賣,在証券公司均以現客方式處理, 沽貨出票,將以財務公司抬頭支付, 而購入之交易,應該由財務公司支付回証券公司,方可完成交易.為方便財務公司監察所有孖展客的財務狀況,証券公司之交易,會輸送入財務公司的系統,財務公司即可作即場監察工作.