
This option will have functions for Option Broker System to change the Order Entry Module to handle transactions for Market Maker 'M1' & 'M2' group client.

This is an add on function on OB-1


Features included: -

1. Change logic to detect client's group is 'M1' & 'M2' to startup the Market Maker   Routine

2. For all transactions entered for MARKET MAKER, set the order as 'N' as new position.

3. Add an auto-close out routine, to check all New positions for different sides i.e. BUY side and SELL side, and mark all matched qty. as closed out.

4. The TRAIL MATCH routine will make client side qty. match with broker side qty. with affect the MARKET MAKER transactions.

5. Calculations NOT TO add Contract Stamp for MARKET MAKER transactions.

6. User may use the HANDLE fee field to manage whatever fee incurred for the MARKET MAKER transactions.


加入此功能, 用戶可以處理莊家盤業務, 買賣香港交易所的股票期權。

系統包括多種運作上的配合, 除了滿足莊家盤交易, 更可以處理一般客戶之交易。